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Los Angeles Wing Chun

Los Angeles Wing Chun

Los Angeles Wing Chun

Master James Sinclair, the Founder and Chief Instructor, of the prestigious UK Wing Chun Kung FU Association, has recently returned from a trip to Los Angeles.

In September 2017 Master James Sinclair met up with a number of the leading Wing Chun Kung Fu teachers available.    As a special guest of Grandmaster Wan Kam Leung, James was invited to meet up at the Los Angeles Wing Chun Headquarters of Master Gary Lam in Alhambra California.  James was treated very well and honoured to be given a seat next to Grandmaster Wan in the photo session.  This was a surprise as James was only a guest of the Grandmaster and was expecting such 'face' to be given. It was a great pleasure for James to meet Garandmaster Wan's family and spend some time with his long term friend of approaching 12 years. Special thanks also have to go out to Master Gary Lam for opening the doors to James and allowing him to be present at what was a very exclusive series of seminars held by the Masters of the Wong Shun Leung lineage. James and his son enjoyed an extended lunch with the Grandmaster and William Kwok of the Gotham Wing Chun School in New York. During James' time in California he also visited respected Wing Chun Master Robert Chu, who remain one of the greatest authorities on the history of the Art.  He has traced by genuine manuscripts outlining the original concepts and approaches of Wing Chun Kung from its earlier days.  A fascinating discussion and of particular interest was the discussion on Qi Gong and its use in the Wing Chun system.                      

Wing Chun Summer Camp 2017

Wing Chun Summer Camp 2017

The Wing Chun Summer Camp 2017 This year master Nick Martin will be connecting the Annual Summer Weekend training Camp. Master Nick Martin is one of the most popular teachers within the UKWCKFA.  The reason is is his obvious skill, his enthusiasm and teaching ability. This is a very popular event and it is recommended that you book early.  Every aspect of Wing Chun will be discussed and trained over the weekend, plus a whole lot more. To download the brochure of the event please follow this link here: Wing Chun Summer Camp 2017        
Wing Chun Pole Training
MasterClasses News

Wing Chun Pole Training MasterClass

Wing Chun Pole Training

On Sunday June 25th 2017 James Sinclair held a Wing Chun Pole Training  MasterClass. The Luk Dim Book Kwan is the Long Pole and a superb training tool for developing strength and power.  The pole form is by far the simplest to learn as it is only a short sequence of movements.  However, the Pole is one of the hardest to master as the wilding of such a long weapons exaggerates any mistakes. Master James Sinclair has been training in Wing Chun Kung Fu for 40 years and still demonstrates a real passion for the Art.  He has produced many the leading practitioners of the style and continues to inspire a new generation of Wing Chun fans. The Wing Chun Pole Training masterclass is only held once a year is is very restricted on number at attendees.  This gives a great opportunity to gain a personal insight into this aspect of the Wing Chun Kung Fu approach. As Master Sinclair has met with so many masters and shared experiences he will always give a more expanded view of the system often taking the time to talk about and demonstrate the approach taken by other lineages. To book for the 2018 seminar call today 07860 276923  or simply email the UKWCKFA at  
Master Abid Mahmood is taking in new students ant the Midlands HQ in Birmingham during April 2017.

Wing Chun Beginners Class Birmingham

Wing Chun Beginners Class Birmingham Master Abid Mahmood will be taking on new Wing Chun Beginners in the Birmingham HQ. The school is one of the best Wing Chun schools in the region with a great training programme and syllabus. The class is limited to only 10 students and is strictly on a first come first serve basis.   It is highly recommended that you book YOUR today.

Master Mahmood Today.

07967 308323
Steve Hunt 2016 UK Wing Chun Assoc. Student of the Year

Steve Hunt 2016 Student of the Year

Steve Hunt 2016 Student of the Year

For many years we have awarded a member of the UKWCKFA the Student of the Year trophy. The winner for 2016 was a simple decision and went to Steve Hunt of the Rayleigh school. Steve came to Wing Chun later in life then most, and has struggled at times to get to grips with the Art. However, he is a always smiling (and apologising to his training partners, actually just everyone!) and is not one to quit. Steve had to work particularly hard to pass the second UKWCKFA grading. He took it upon himself to use the Rayleigh HQ on Sundays when no classes were on. His enthusiasm finally gathered a small core of students for extra training. This group went on to successfully pass the test. 
Not content with this he wanted other colleagues to take the test and kept the Sunday commitment going. He selflessly helped others to pass the test by giving them the chance for extra practice. We all know that it takes a lot of effort to get people motivated and he did just that. He has built a great class spirit and every person agreed on how much he deserved the award. All martial arts schools would love a student with his nature and we are just lucky Steve came to us. The trophy is a large cup, Steve is seen here with something to keep...
The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable.
Gym News

Wing Chun Training T-shirts

Wing Chun Training T-Shirts

The New Stylish Wing Chun Kung Fu training t-shirts are now in stock.  A great looking v-neck -shirt it has been printed using the sublimation process.  This has allowed lots of vibrant colour too be infused INTO the material and it will not, therefore, fade, peel to crack. The polyester material is designed to allow the sweat to wick away and feels much more comfortable than the standard cotton t-shirts of our regular uniform.  These would be a great gift leading up to Christmas if people are at a loss to know what to get you. Head over to our shop and order yours today.  They are selling quickly.  If you are not a member, don't worry, you can still purchase the Bronze design and wear it with pride, just like our own students.   The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable. The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable. The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable. The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable. The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable.
The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable.

The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable.

The stylish UKWCKFA Wing Chun Training T-shirt is available in Bronze to all. This great Wing Chun training top wicks the sweat away and very comfortable.
The UKWCKFA has only two compulsory gradings to move through classes. The Siu Nim Tao grading allows students to move to the advanced classes.
Gradings News

Siu Nim Tao Grading Wing Chun Kung FU

Siu Nim Tao Grading

The UKWCKFA has only two compulsory gradings. These were instigated to separate beginners, intermediates and advanced level classes. After that all gradings are voluntary and you will complete the rest of the formal 'Art' in time regardless of whether or not you wish to test yourself. The UKWCKFA has only two compulsory gradings to move through classes. The Siu Nim Tao grading allows students to move to the advanced classes. Big 'Congratulations' to all of the students who took part in the 2nd Level grading known as the Siu Nim Tao grading. There was a great class camaraderie. The students who came to watch were inspired to push forward and enjoyed it immensely.


Well done to Steve Hunt who proved that age is not the great barrier that many fear. At 60 yrs of age and with only a couple of years in training he succeeded in passing the test, and with a smile. He also was responsible for pulling his classmates together by using the National HQ, when it was free, to meet up for extra practice.


Another 'Well done' to Darren Sumpton of the Maidstone Wing Chun School as he succeeded in gaining a 'Distinction Pass' of 82.5% well earned and a testament to his teacher Mark Blackbourne.


John Cossentine Sifu who runs the Sidcup Wing Chun school managed to successfully get his two candidates through this demanding grading. Well done to Owen Bradnock and Patrick Cotton. Go to for more info Finally the students from the Bedford Wing Chun School travelled all the way to Essex and faced the challenge with a good pass being earn. Well done to Antonio and Enzo. Special thanks go out Advanced Level students Kyriakos Charalambous and Chris Kelly who went in and trained with the guys last night to push them and help them reach their potential.

The guys all deserve a mention:

Back Row: Left to to Right Antonio Borsellino Patrick Cotton Owen Bradnock Andy Hewitt Tim Hart Jordan McKenna Front Row left to Right Enzo Vecchia Darren Sumpton Steve Hunt SNT-26072016
MasterClasses News Outdoor

Summer Camp 2016

Summer Camp 2016

Nick Martin Sifu will be conducting a weekend Summer Training Camp.  To download the full itinerary of subjects to be covered over the weekend click the title above. This is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in a full weekend of training and learn a tremendous amount to aid in your martial art journey. The camp is open to everyone regardless of ability and experience. Contact Nick on 07830 136501 for more details.


Kicking & FootWork Seminar
MasterClasses News

Cham Kiu

Cham Kiu

Master James Sinclair, the founder and Chief Instructor of the prestigious UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. will be conducting a Cham Kiu MasterClass.  The seminar is a very detailed event and will reveal the many common misconceptions that lead to a poor understanding and application of Wing Chun in real situations.  The Cham Kiu form is known as the 'Bridge' and it is within this form that the true efficiency and reality of Wing Chun skill is held. The Cham Kiu is commonly known as the 'Second Form' of Wing Chun Kuen and it is vitally important to full understand the concepts hidden within in order to fully comprehend and apply the skills of this superb close range combat Art. As is common n these events, the places are filling fast and it is recommended that you confirm your place first. The seminar will be held at the UK Wing Chun Assoc. National HQ on Sunday 17th April from 1-4pm Cost £50

UKWCKFA Facebook

We hope this post does not came across as too self indulgent. The UKWCKFA used to hold Annual Summer Camps. These were great events. It was only £50 for a three day event including the accomodation or camping!!!We have posted these photos simply as a way of enabling some of our former students, who may well follow us, to to enjoy the memories. Who knows, you may even see yourself there. These photos are from the August 1993 Summer Camp.You are welcome to tag or name yourself in the comments but please do not name others, allow them to do that for themselves.... Enjoy ... See MoreSee Less
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