James Sinclair MasterClass

Goff Oak Wing Chun

James Sinclair, Wing Chun Kung Fu teacher
1st March 2016

Goff Oak Wing Chun

Goffs Oak Wing Chun Kung Fu

Master James Sinclair has been invited by the Goffs Oak Wing Chun Kung Fu branch teacher, Peter Foreman, to visit and teach at the school.

On Monday 7th March, Master Sinclair will be conducting a 2hour teaching session covering many topics and taking question. master Sinclair has become a bt of a recluse in recent years and it is a rare opportunity to experience his teaching outside of his regular classes.

The two hour session is £35 and well worth every penny listen and learn from someone who has over 40 years experience in the Art.

The class start at 19:30. Phone Peter Foreman on 07561 413777 to confirm your place.

Grandmaster Ip Chun with Peter Foreman of the Hammersmith and Northaw branches of the UK Wing Chun Assoc.

Grandmaster Ip Chun with Peter Foreman


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We hope this post does not came across as too self indulgent. The UKWCKFA used to hold Annual Summer Camps. These were great events. It was only £50 for a three day event including the accomodation or camping!!!We have posted these photos simply as a way of enabling some of our former students, who may well follow us, to to enjoy the memories. Who knows, you may even see yourself there. These photos are from the August 1993 Summer Camp.You are welcome to tag or name yourself in the comments but please do not name others, allow them to do that for themselves.... Enjoy ... See MoreSee Less
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