The Big Leap In Skill

Siu Nim Tao Grading

1st April 2015

Siu Nim Tao Grading


The UK Wing Chun Kung Fu Assoc. runs classes based on ability. To proceed to the next level the students must pass tests. We have an extensive grading syllabus.  It is a real challenge to take on these gradings.  If successful the students are awarded  a report sheet and certificate.  The Siu Nim Tao grading is the grade that all students wish to attend.  This is because after this there are no compulsory gradings and a student can move on t become a member of the Instructor Training programme.


May 2014 SNT Grading

May 2014 SNT Grading



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We hope this post does not came across as too self indulgent. The UKWCKFA used to hold Annual Summer Camps. These were great events. It was only £50 for a three day event including the accomodation or camping!!!We have posted these photos simply as a way of enabling some of our former students, who may well follow us, to to enjoy the memories. Who knows, you may even see yourself there. These photos are from the August 1993 Summer Camp.You are welcome to tag or name yourself in the comments but please do not name others, allow them to do that for themselves.... Enjoy ... See MoreSee Less
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